Establish Short & Long-term Goals

SIG will provide investment and financial advisory services based on our clients’ objectives. Through personal exploratory conversations, SIG will gather information including financial objectives, income needs, time horizon and any other unique goals, to define a risk profile in order to determine the best suited asset allocation and security selection for our clients.

SIG will continue to monitor our clients’ goals and circumstances, and manage and rebalance the portfolio on an ongoing basis, adapting to dynamic market conditions. SIG also has the capability to provide financial planning services for the funding of specific program goals.

Asset Allocation

Once financial goals are determined, SIG will use this information to arrive at the appropriate risk target for potential investments that correspond to a client’s investment goals. A portfolio asset allocation will then be designed to best meet the needs and objectives of our clients within their risk tolerance.

Active & Passive

Investments included in a client portfolio are selected based on quantitative and qualitative research process. SIG conducts regular investment committee meetings during which our investments are reviewed and analyzed.

Risk Assessment

SIG assesses risk by utilizing various technology platforms to conduct in depth analysis of general market risk, the overall client portfolio risk and the client’s individual holdings.  Our investment expertise and technology allows us to track market exposure and potential manager drift, ensuring that we are not over or under represented to a particular sector, region or company.

Mutual Fund, ETF, and manager research and selection

In addition to individual stock or bond selection, SIG may use ETF’s, Mutual Funds, or Third Party Managers to complete a client’s investment portfolio. We review the risk and performance characteristics of a manager’s process, resources, depth and experience of the management team, along with other key qualitative elements of the manager.

Elements of this review include:

I Performance relative to benchmarks
II Performance relative to peers
III Volatility characteristics
IV Correlation statistics
V Risk-adjusted returns
VI Fee/expense ratio comparison to potential alternative investments
VII Depth of investment team
VIII Evaluation of investment process
IX Analysis of infrastructure
X Managers’ Investment Policies and any potential drift from those policies
XI Financial strength of the management and/or parent company

ongoing manager due diligence process

A select group of managers are approved by our investment committee for use as the core holdings in our client accounts, the performance of which are monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure they are meeting our long-term expectations. During the ongoing due diligence process, we continue to monitor performance, composition of investment team, adherence to investment process and style, any potential structural changes (such as expense ratios or share classes), and suitability of the parent company. Although we meet weekly as an investment committee, we have a series of additional checklists that are performed on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis to confirm and document the performance of our managers, including periodic meetings and conference calls with the management of the various strategies we utilize.

Independent decision making

Since we are completely independent, we are not committed to any manager or firm, thus giving us true freedom to terminate a manager if their performance, or any other factor, is not in the best interests of our clients. We are able to conduct our due diligence absent of product pressure from a parent company, as we do not have one. This independence facilitates free and uninhibited access to review potential managers, whereas some of our peers may be limited to what is promoted on their firm’s platforms. It is still common practice for some Wall Street firms to require compensation in order to platform a money manager, whereas as an independent advisory firm, SIG receives no compensation from any money managers, thus providing for a true open architecture platform.


SIG charges a single fee based on invested assets, excluding cash and cash equivalents as we do not bill on those assets. Cash and cash equivalents may be managed for income free of charge. This single fee is all encompassing for any and all of the services SIG provides to its clients. The Custodian may charge brokerage or other service fees, depending on the nature of the transaction. Certain investments, such as ETF’s and Mutual Funds, may bear additional expenses or fees that will be included in the actual product returns. If applicable, fees charged by third-party managers will be clearly disclosed to clients in investment documentation. Please see the SIG Form ADV Part 2A Disclosure Brochure for a full description of all applicable client fees and expenses.


SIG typically provides Quarterly Performance Reports, along with our internally generated market commentary. In addition to our quarterly reporting, our custodians will provide monthly statements and SIG clients may view their accounts on a real time basis on the custodian’s website as well as daily portfolio views on SIG’s online access client portal.

did you know?

Over the past 70 years, the S&P 500 advanced 1,100-fold. That is enough to turn a single, modest $1,000 investment into more than a million dollars.

Source: The Motley Fool, 2019. Past performance does not guarantee future results.